Update April 3, 2020:
During the current crisis, hospitals are taking extra precautions to keep patients safe, and we encourage survivors of rape, sexual abuse, or sexual assault, to seek medical attention as needed, and/or go to the emergency room for a medical examination. For additional support or information, please contact our 24-hour hotline. Text or call (216) 619-6192 or (440) 423-2020, or chat online.
Support at the Hospital
If you or someone you know has experienced rape or sexual abuse and decides to go to the emergency room, be sure to request a Support Specialist from Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. Hospital staff will call the Center to request your Support Specialist.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Support Specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to support survivors and their families and friends during a visit to the emergency room for a medical exam and evidence collection process.
Can I go to any hospital emergency room to receive a rape kit exam?
Learn which local hospitals have Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Units – staffed by nurses specially trained in the care of survivors of rape or sexual abuse.
Call (216) 619-6192 or chat online.